Thursday, August 15, 2019

How To Protect Your Wealth and Gold 401k

If you have been wondering how to protect your wealth and retirement savings in today's uncertain economic landscape, you are at the right place. Like many high net-worth investors, national banks and governments, we believe that gold (and other Precious metals) is one of the best types of investments you can make today as part of a well diversified portfolio. Moreover, we launched this blog to highlight the fact that one of the ways Americans can invest in physical Precious metals while saving on tax is to convert part of their IRA, 401(k), Annuity or other to a physical (The process is also referred to as a gold IRA rollovers)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Regal Assets

Free Gold Kit

Free Gold Investment Kit:

Everything you need to know to Invest in Gold

(Tax FREE without any PENALTIES or FEES)

Investing In Gold Bullion - A Time Tested Investment

If you are looking for a way to balance your investment portfolio, the easiest and smartest way is to invest in gold bullion. Of all our precious metals, gold is the most popular to invest in and it is easy to see why. The sheer mention of its name screams wealth and it has been found time and time again to be a safe way for investors to insure their assets against volatile economic times; it increases in value when paper bought stocks and bonds decrease.
In simple terms, when other assets values drop in price, gold often rises. In the economic crashes of 2008 and 2018, many investors in the USA purchased gold to protect against the currency decline of the dollar. This form of investment is known as ‘hedging’ and the smartest investors know that as currency value falls, inflation occurs, also causing higher prices on imports and the value of their other stocks to decrease. The value of gold, however, is rarely affected by such economic trends and is therefore the best investment against inflation.
This trend of purchasing gold has continued to rise in recent years; in 2018, the investor demand for gold in the United States grew by 4%, due to trade wars between the US and China. In the United Kingdom in 2018, due to the continued uncertainty of Brexit, the investor demand outstretched that of the US, with 12% of investors demanding the ability to invest in gold.
It is well known with all these economic forecast predictions and disputes, that we live in uncertain economic times. In 2019, trade wars between US and China have not resolved satisfactorily and with the unresolved tensions between the UK and the EU regarding Brexit, the stock markets are prone to fluctuation.
However, all this uncertainty in the stock market and global politics has driven the price of gold up. In 2019, the price of gold has risen $99 in the US and has increased 11.6% in the UK in June alone. Though it is often hard to predict future trends, it appears a sure set thing that gold prices will increase as demand rises across the globe.
With the worldwide economy struggling and with all the unresolved political tensions driving down the price of paper stocks, there has been no better time to invest in gold.

How Can You Buy Gold?

Whether you are a long-term investor or are just getting into buying stocks, there are a few bits you need to know about purchasing gold. We have discussed the benefits of gold as hedge investments and as insurance in rollercoaster economics but how do you actually buy gold stock? There are a few different ways depending on your investment objectives.
There is the option to contact a leading gold brokers relating to the purchasing of gold bullion, gold certificates etc. The key to purchasing gold successfully is to conduct research online to explore the multiple companies that buy and sell gold online; these are often cheaper and easier to access than traditional gold brokers along with being easier to navigate if you wish to sell. You should search for a company’s review in relation to buying gold; see what actual customers have said about each company before you decide to invest. Regal Assets has an average rating of 4.9/5 from our ever-growing customer base and are experienced in buying and selling gold for the best prices on the market.

Different Gold Investments

Gold is gold right? Wrong! In today’s investment market, there are many different types of gold that you can purchase, which can impact on your overall investment strategy.

Gold coins

The most commonly bough gold globally, gold coins are an easy and effective investment tool. Gold coins are typically purchased by individuals wishing to pass on an inflation free inheritance their children or by individuals looking to invest in their pensions; this is known as a Self-Investment Pension or SIP. There is the bonus of standardised sizing and ease of recognition if you wish to sell your gold; these also make it easier to trade internationally if you wish to.
At Regal Assets, we offer six different gold coins for investment; the Gold American Eagle, the Gold American Buffalo, the Gold Canadian Maple Leaf, the Gold Austrian Philharmonic, the Gold Chinese Panda and of course, the Gold South American Krugerrand.

Gold Bars

The stereotypical gold bar is another fantastic way to invest your money at a surprisingly low price. Indeed, many investors prefer to purchase gold bars, as the value of buy and sell is more economically efficient than that of gold coins. Like gold coins, gold bars are recognised globally and come in a wide variety of weights and purities. Regal Assets offers 9 different types of gold bullion bars to purchase directly.

The Best Time To Invest in Gold

Eager to invest? While it is always worth while to invest in gold, there are a few key indicators to look out for before you do to ensure you make the most profit long-term.
Some of these include an uncertain economic market, inflation and upward trends of gold prices.
At Regal Assets, we are trained in how to identify these key trends (any many others) in the markets and provide all our customers with the necessary education to feel at ease going forward with their investments; if you are satisfied, then so are we!

Why Choose Regal Assets?

At Regal Assets, we pride ourselves on helping our customers invest wisely; we have not maintained our high review status by allowing investment opportunities to slide by or by allowing customers to lose money!
We ensure that our customers purchase exactly what they want, when they want, and we do not employ pushy sales tactics. Some companies try to push their customers to invest in certain areas so that they in turn earn higher commissions; we focus our products and advice to the customer, ensuring that they are happy with their investments. But these aren’t the only reasons you should invest with Regal Assets.
  • We have a 7-day guarantee on purchases; if you want to physically claim your gold, it will be with you in 7 days.
  • We offer overseas accounts for retirements; tax and penalty free!
  • Exceptionally experienced staff on hand to answer any concerns you may have.
  • And many more!

Other Metals We Sell

Not sure you want to invest in gold by itself?  Not a problem; we also offer other metals that are suitable for investments at a great price. In fact, the most financially beneficial investments typically comprise of multiple types of precious metals.
We also offer silver, platinum and palladiumw bullion and coins if you want to mix your investment portfolio up a bit; all for a great price and with our same guarantees. All of these metals are also recognised worldwide due to their high quality and are therefore easy to liquidate and trade if needed.

Delivery Or Storage?

We take the storage of your investments incredibly seriously. Over our years of working with our investors, we have formed strategic partnerships with the worlds top vault providers and can therefore offer our customers fully insured and segregated metal storage options across the globe; all for one of the lowest prices in the industry! We are one of the only investment companies to offer this.
Your account is fully insured for the price of the contents within the vault; protecting your valuables against fire, theft or other issues that may arise.
After you purchase your metals with us, we will offer you the option to have it transferred to one of our eligible vault locations; after this, we will set up an account for you at the vault of your choosing to keep you in control- it is a simple as that!
If you would prefer to have your precious metals delivered to your own, personalised storage, we will, of course, transfer your investments quickly; within a 7-day time frame from initial purchase.
When you set up an account with Regal Assets, you will receive a FREE Investors Kit for 2019. For a limited time, you will also receive 2 DVD’s on the future of cryptocurrency and metals with a copy of Forbes Magazine.

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10 Reasons the Next Crisis Will Be Worse:

10 Reasons the Next Financial Crisis Will Be Worse than the Last

The elephant in the room? The U.S. national debt exceeded $22 trillion on February 11, 2019. This is more than America's annual economic output as measured by its gross domestic product. The last time the debt-to-GDP ratio was more than 100 percent was in 1946 when the nation had to pay for World War II.
    The U.S. Government has its Eye on Retirement I Accounts. In 2010 Portugal seized retirement account assets to help plug holes with government deficits and debt. Ireland and France did the same in 2011, as did Poland in 2013. The U.S. government has been watching. Since 2011, Treasury has taken money from government workers’ pension funds on four separate occasions to cover deficits in federal spending. Investing billionaire legend Jim Rogers believes that private accounts will be the next ones the government raids.
      Top 5 US Banks Now Larger Than Before the Crisis. You learned about the five largest banks in the U.S. and their systemic importance as the unfolding financial crisis threatened to collapse them. Legislators and regulators promised they would address this issue once the crisis was contained. Over five years after the crisis ended, the five biggest banks are even bigger and more critical to the system than before the crisis began. The government made the problem worse when it forced some of these so called “too big to fail” banks to absorb the failing ones. Any of these banking behemoths failing now would be absolutely catastrophic.
        Danger from Derivatives Threatens the Banks More Now than in 2007/2008. The derivatives that crashed the banks back in 2008 did not disappear as regulators promised. Today the derivatives exposure of the five biggest American banks is a whopping 45% greater than before the economic collapse of 2008. The derivative bubble is over $273 trillion now versus the $187 trillion of 2008.
          U.S. Interest Rates are Already at Abnormal Lows so the Fed has Little Room to Cut Rates. Even after raising interest rates once last year, the Federal funds rate is still in the range of ¼ to ½ percent. Consider that before the crisis erupted in August of 2007, the Federal funds interest rates sat at 5.25%! In the next crisis, the Fed will have less than half a percentage point total it can reduce rates to stimulate the economy.
            American Banks Are Not the Safest Place for Your Money. Global Finance magazine puts out a yearly list of the top 50 safest global banks. Only 5 of those are U.S. based. The top spot an American bank commands is only #39.
              The Fed Balance Sheet is Still Expanded from the Financial Crisis of 2008. The Fed still has nearly $1.8 trillion in mortgage backed securities on its balance sheet from the 2008 financial crisis. This is more than double the less than $1 trillion it held before the crisis began. When mortgage backed securities go bad again, the Federal Reserve has a lot less maneuverability to absorb bad assets than before.
                The FDIC Admits it Lacks Reserves to Cover Another Banking Crisis. The latest FDIC’s annual report shows that they will not have sufficient reserves to adequately insure the nation’s banking deposits for minimally another five years. This stunning revelation admits that they can only cover 1.01% of U.S. bank held deposits, or $1 out of every $100 of your bank account deposits.
                  Long Term Unemployment Is Still Higher than Before the Great Recession. Unemployment was 4.4% in early 2007 before the last crisis began. While the unemployment rate has finally reached the 4.7% levels seen as the financial crisis began to ravage the U.S. economy, the long term unemployment remains high and the employment participation rate significantly lower more than five years after the previous crisis ended. Joblessness could be much higher in the wake of the coming crisis.
                    American Businesses Failing at a Record Pace. In the beginning of 2016, the Gallup CEO Jim Clifton announced that American business failures are now greater than new business startups for the first time in over three decades. The dearth of medium and small businesses has huge implications for an economy long driven by free enterprise. Bigger businesses are not immune to the problems either. Even American economic heavy weights like Microsoft (reducing 18,000 jobs) and McDonald’s (shutting down 700 stores for the year) are suffering from this dismal trend.